We excited to announce a full week of Pargon Controls Product Events:
Paragon Controls, Inc. To meet ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1 Ventilation for Acceptable IAQ requirements, PCI has developed an “AMCA certified Outdoor Airflow Measurement System. Join us to learn more about Air flow measurement devices, Leed and Green Building Products, and room and space pressure monitoring devices.
To Register, please contact Buck Nye at H.C. Nye Company 717-561-2500.
February 6 Monday Night Cocktails at Appalachian Brewing Company In Harrisburg from 6PM to 9PM
February 7 Tuesday from 11AM to 1PM at the Holiday Inn
February 8 Wednesday from 11:30AM to 1:30 PM at the Riverside Grille in Plains, PA
February 9 Thursday at the Citizens Bank BallPark, Philadelphia.